History of Tapijn A3 Barracks users


The thirteenth infantry regiment was based in Maastricht and, after the First World War (1914-1918), it was housed in the new barracks in De Kommen. Young men from South Limburg subject to military service received their first military training at the barracks. In the years before the Second World War (1940-1945), there was a strong connection between the regiment and the city. Maastricht was the city of the 13th.

Relationship with Tapijn

Why we do what we do


The Maastricht carnival association De Tempeleers (The Templars) wanted to set up a prince’s guard in 1951. They contacted adjutant Leenhouts at the Tapijn Barracks. Leenhouts was chairman of the non-commissioned officers’ association ‘Friendship be our goal’, and within no time he was able to recruit forty men to accompany the prince of Carnival. A name for the prince’s guard was also quickly found: ‘Kachelpijpers’ or Stove Pipes. This name refers to the mortars that the soldiers practice with at the barracks: long tubular weapons that were nicknamed ‘stove pipes’. During their first appearance, they were dressed in borrowed Napoleonic uniforms, but the next year they wore Scottish dress of their own invention. By then, the name had been transformed into Kachelpiepers.

After the departure of the Dutch soldiers in 1967, the initiative was taken up by residents of Maastricht. The Kachelpiepers still exist and have become an indispensable element of Maastricht Carnival.