Urban nature at
Tapijn in Maastricht
Wonder. That is what nature brings about in us. A chance meeting with a fox, the birth of young great tits or a spider weaving its web. Take a look at the visible and hidden (urban) nature that can be found on the Tapijn site in Maastricht!
Interactive map with information and a hiking trail
Tapijn is buzzing with beautiful birds, small insects, colorful plants and ancient trees. Do you want to know what can be peeped in which places? Take a look around on our interactive map. Then you will know exactly what to look out for on your next visit.
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Why we do
what we do …
Amazement. That is what nature brings out in us. A chance encounter with a fox, the birth of a young great tit or even a spider weaving its web, all these events have the ability to give you an instant feeling of respect and surprise. That lovely feeling you get when you are about and about in nature all starts with observing, sneaking around. Go on, have a look around! Explore the park while cycling or walking, or even by using binoculars and cameras. You might be surprised to learn how much there is to see at Tapijn. Despite – and sometimes thanks to – our presence, nature takes its own course within Tapijn.
What to do
at Tapijn?
Brasserie Tapijn is located in a unique location in the City Park. A brasserie where hospitality reigns, a pleasant tranquility and a place where young and old gather. In the summer on the terrace and in the autumn & winter inside in the large, attractive hall, which was formerly used as a dining room for the men of the Tapijn barracks.
The most important thing at Brasserie Tapijn is enjoyment. Enjoy the day, the sun’s rays on the terrace, the fresh coffee, a fresh salad or a delicious dinner in the evening.